
That Nightmare before Christmas

So thank you all those dear dear people who came to Tinseltown on Friday nite and shook their complimentary sleigh-bells. Thank you to The Schla La Las for glamour beyond the call of duty with their Marilyn dresses, and especially for “I’m going back to Germany to stuff my face”. Thank you Feline1 for sound-tracking the evening with a sprinkling of audio delights and curiosities (for full setlist see comments to previous post). Thank you to the glamorous Miss Sell on projections and driving duties. Thank you Mister Bobby Laws for lending us yr drum-kit, which took us about an hour to dismantle (in our world, all drum-kits come in little boxes, with LED lights!). Thank you Miss Christina for welcoming our guests, and taking their hard-earned spends in exchange for entertainment and merchandise. Thank you the Freebutt staff for not locking us in as we tried desperately to dismantle that drum-kit. Thank you anyone who helped tidy up by taking home a piece of the over-the-top lo-fi decor we plastered across every surface of the venue. And finally, thank you everyone for bearing with us through the, er, technical difficulties. We’d like to think you now know a little too much about Sarah Pain than you ought to, following her stream of consciousness/ad-libing, during those painful moments that had Dom Pain desperately scrabbling around un-plugging and plugging in to get things working again.

We made it through in the end, and came out with sleigh-bells ringing in our ears and an abiding memory from every time we looked up and were met with a sea of gob-smacked faces. It looked a little like this:

but obviously on a slightly different scale.

And so to bed...
love from the Miss Pain three

ps For Christmas Dom Pain would like: a new guitar amp, new leads and pedals, so that he may never have those problems again.
pps He’d also like an Eowave Persephone in red snake-skin vinyl finish. mmmmmmmm.

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