
Things we did last year: TWEE and SNAPS compilations

In 2009 we had a year off for various "life pursuits"...
And yet we still managed to release songs on a couple of compilations:

SNAPS vol 2 - The Primitive Compilation was released in November 2009 by Snaps Music Italy.

Miss Pain's 'Kiss Cuddle Torture' opens proceedings and there are 14 more nuggets of filthy-dirty NOW! garage from all over the place.

You can preview the whole album on myspace, and you can buy it from most online music download stores including emusic, itunes, amazon, etc.

Twee By The Sea vol. 2 was released in December 2009 by Jimmy from The Bobby McGees in association with Twee As Fuck

It features 8 Brighton bands: each one recorded live, round one mic, doing accoustic versions of their lovely songs. Miss Pain recorded a battery-powered version of 'Shelf-Location ROM' on giant Stylophone 350s, battery-amped guitar, casio VL-TONE beats and noise box.

It was available FREE from Twee As Fuck... and also from Brighton Record shops and in Limited Numbers in ROUGH TRADE & PURE GROOVE in London. It is probably sold out, but maybe if you ask Jimmy he will have a copy for you to buy.


taxi driver

We had a strange taxi ride on the way to L'Amour Electronique last month.

Our driver picked us up and was very excited to see we had proper vinyl records. He told us all about his Dansette and how he gets out his old gramaphone to play Bing Crosby every Christmas.

Somewhere near Seven Dials he asked if we would be doing any singing tonight. The conversation followed something like this:
Us: "No, but we do sing."
Taxi driver: "Are you in a band then?"
Us: "Yes, we're all in a band together"
Taxi driver: "You're not in the Miss Pain band, are you?"
Us: "Er, yes... we are."
Taxi driver: "I thought I recognised you. I gave you a lift once, you gave me one of your demonstration discs."
Us: "Blimey, you've got a good memory. Have you still got the record?"
Taxi driver: "Yes I have. Very pleasant it was too."
Us: "We're not sure if we've ever been described as pleasant before, but glad you liked it."

Maybe we'll be the subject of one of those "I had that Miss Pain in my taxi once, you know" stories.
Hello Warren, if you're reading.