Greetings Pain-sters and Pain-ettes.
We bring you good tidings and exciting news for your final appointment
with Pain for 2005.
This Friday sees our intrepid synth-abusers making a welcome return to
home-turf, for one of their full-on, no-holds-barred,
live-art-action-cabaret-experiences (and that's one hell of a lot of
As I type, Miss Pain HQ is a-buzz with preparations to make this one,
their first since June, a veritable extravaganza of joyous pop noise,
good old-fashioned glamour, and glittering visual hysteria.
They promise to bring a touch of Hollywood sparkle to the
spit-and-sawdust surrounds of the Freebutt.
FRI 09 DEC 2005Miss Pain presents
Welcome to Tinseltowna Live Revue featuring performances from
Miss Pain +
The Schla La LasThe Freebutt, Phoenix Place, Brighton
doors: 8pm
entry: £4/£3 mit
flyerThe Miss Pain three will be all made-up, intense and smoldering, as
they take the stage and let loose their b-movie sounds. With an air of
doomed romance, they'll thrash out those winter blues the only way
they know how: pure screen-dream decadence, 50's beat innocence, and
eerie electronic melodies.
But that's not all… Miss Pain have invited the delectably dangerous
Schla La Las down from London. These sassy starlets will give you a
dose of their sweet-but-deadly girl-group medicine, laced with surf
guitar, and a nod to Thee Headcoatees'-sense of post-punk F.U.N.
Plus! Intermission entertainments and frivolity comes courtesy of
recently appointed Pain live-controller
Feline1, with his miniature
mp3 jukebox, as well as a few picks from the Pain's own hit parade.
All that's left to say is: DON'T MISS THIS: we probably won't be
playing Brighton again 'til next March. But don't fear, we'll be in
touch very soon with news of our dashing new website and a few
Pain-style Xmas present ideas.
Keep it Pain-ful
Sarah, Verity & Dom Pain